Bad help can sometimes make a bigger mess than the damage itself
The new campaign represents the shift of the brand's communication strategy, towards a broader concept of insurance.
When your car stops in the middle of nowhere, when you can't access sensitive data on your computer, or when your offspring unexpectedly turns your life upside down, who do you call for help?
This critical moment of searching for ideal help became the central motive of the brand's new communication line. The heroes of individual and very delicate stories are confronted with someone they would rather not turn to in their current situation. But they have nothing else left. They thus face not only the situation itself but also the consequences of inappropriately chosen help.
The shift in the client's brief required finding a new format for building the plot and for the storytelling itself. Stories begin where most insurance ads end. Exactly just after the trouble had happened. The role of the narrator, who glosses over the situation from the brand's point of view has also become crucial for the construction of the story. It adds more depth to the whole story.
The campaign aims to strengthen the brand's perception as a versatile helping hand in solving various turning points in life. It contains three TV spots and a wide variety of motifs, which the viewer will gradually meet during the year across OOH, digital, SoMe, and other media. The whole campaign starts on TV with a motif for car insurance, followed by property and life insurance.